Deep Tissue Massage This massage releases tension held in muscles, tendons and ligaments which can make every day life uncomfortable. When tension is held in our neck, shoulder, arms, back, legs and feet, the pain can affect our mood and mobility. This technique aims to pin point the area causing discomfort and release it.
It focuses on releasing deeper myofascial restrictions by working below the superficial connective tissue. Old structural patterns are broken up allowing for free flow of oxygen and nutrients to the blood. This helps to free trapped nerves, oxygenate poorly circulated areas, allowing the spine and joints to relax into alignment. I use slow deep strokes with direct pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles. The key to a deep tissue massage is for the therapist and client to be relaxed. It is important for the muscle to be relaxed in order to release the tension held in it. This means that a deep tissue massage does not have to apply force to the technique. An initial free consultation helps me to understand what my clients requirements are. I recommend a full body massage 90 minutes to receive all of the benefits. Book Special offer of 6 (1hr) treatment plan |