The Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT can best be described as acupuncture but using fingers instead of needles. Specific meridian points around the face and chest are stimulated which release energy that has been locked in the subtle energy system usually caused by a negative experience.
These stressful situations can affect the physical body. The tapping and holding on these meridians acts like a medium for holding the focus and intention. It is important to find the root of the problem caused by a negative emotion e.g. anger, fear, jealousy, low self esteem, feeling unloved or trapped. EFT can also help to work on phobias such as fear of heights and spiders.
I will ask a client to think about what the issue is that is causing them discomfort in their lives. We discuss a set up statement such as 'My boss cannot take away my self esteem. I value myself and will be successful in my career'. The thirteen tapping points are implemented alongside an affirmation.
During the treatment I create a calm nurturing space which allows for clients to feel relaxed and work through the technique with me. The wonderful thing about EFT is that after the session, the client can then continue to use the method on their own.
EFT aims to reduce anxiety and change negative thought form patterns which enables a person to basically get on with their life as they break through these blockages to help themselves in the most positive way!
I am now available to give support with EFT through Skype. Please contact me for further information.
Gift vouchers available on request
EFT can best be described as acupuncture but using fingers instead of needles. Specific meridian points around the face and chest are stimulated which release energy that has been locked in the subtle energy system usually caused by a negative experience.
These stressful situations can affect the physical body. The tapping and holding on these meridians acts like a medium for holding the focus and intention. It is important to find the root of the problem caused by a negative emotion e.g. anger, fear, jealousy, low self esteem, feeling unloved or trapped. EFT can also help to work on phobias such as fear of heights and spiders.
I will ask a client to think about what the issue is that is causing them discomfort in their lives. We discuss a set up statement such as 'My boss cannot take away my self esteem. I value myself and will be successful in my career'. The thirteen tapping points are implemented alongside an affirmation.
During the treatment I create a calm nurturing space which allows for clients to feel relaxed and work through the technique with me. The wonderful thing about EFT is that after the session, the client can then continue to use the method on their own.
EFT aims to reduce anxiety and change negative thought form patterns which enables a person to basically get on with their life as they break through these blockages to help themselves in the most positive way!
I am now available to give support with EFT through Skype. Please contact me for further information.
Gift vouchers available on request